If you're in need of a new ride but your credit history isn't great, rest assured that there are plenty of options out there to help you get approved. When you need bad credit car loans, consider the following tips for driving away in a reliable car that you'll enjoy for years to come.
Shop Around
When you have bad credit and you're looking for a way to finance a new vehicle, it can take some time to find the right option. Don't just pounce on the first opportunity to get a car loan, and instead, take it slow and thoroughly research several avenues. While traditional banks and credit unions might offer loans for those with bad credit, you'll likely be stuck with a high interest rate that significantly raises your payments.
Opt for Dealer Financing
If you've done your part and looked around for financing with no luck, it might be best to go for dealer financing. Most car dealerships are happy to work with you and come up with bad credit car loans that are manageable for your budget. Dealerships sometimes get a bad reputation, but they often offer attractive car loans for people with all types of credit backgrounds. If you're unsure how you'll find a car loan if your credit history is tanked, swing by your auto dealership of choice and ask about their financing options.
Adjust Your Expectations
It can be tempting to go big with a gorgeous new vehicle if you've been stuck driving a clunker for a while. However, it's important to have realistic expectations of what you can afford and be approved for. If your credit could use some work, it's likely that you'll qualify for bad credit car loans on a used car that's on the inexpensive side. After you re-establish your track record by making timely payments in full, it's likely that you'll be able to afford the car of your dreams in the future.